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6/05/24, June 05, 2024 WIB
Last Updated 2024-06-05T09:51:17Z
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Graphic Video: Stabbing Rampage in Germany Caught on Camera

Graphic Video: Stabbing Rampage in Germany Caught on Camera

MANNHEIM, Germany — In a shocking and violent incident captured on video, a stabbing rampage unfolded in the city of Mannheim at an anti-Islamist group campaign event. The assailant targeted bystanders before being neutralized by police, local outlet dpa reported, citing security sources.

The attack took place during a campaign event held by the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The situation escalated when an AfD politician confronted an individual tearing down party posters near the market square. According to Welt, the confrontation quickly turned violent, with the attacker wielding a knife against the politician and nearby bystanders.

"We are shocked and dismayed," stated Markus Frohnmaier, the AfD state chairman, in response to the attack. The incident has sent ripples of fear and outrage through the community, highlighting the escalating tensions surrounding political and social issues in the region.

This stabbing follows a similar knife attack in Mannheim just last Friday, adding to the city's recent spate of violent events. The back-to-back incidents have raised concerns about public safety and the potential for further politically motivated violence.

Police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding both attacks. The identity of the attacker in the recent incident has not been disclosed, and authorities are working to determine any possible connections between the two events.

As the community grapples with the aftermath, local leaders and law enforcement officials are calling for calm and vigilance. The AfD, known for its controversial stance on immigration and Islam, has been a focal point of both support and opposition, intensifying the political climate.

The captured video of the attack has sparked widespread attention, with many expressing horror and condemnation of the violence. As investigations continue, the need for increased security at political events and public gatherings is being emphasized to prevent further tragedies.

The city of Mannheim now faces the challenge of addressing the underlying issues contributing to these violent outbursts while ensuring the safety and security of its residents.